An explosive issue | Industrial Fuels and Power
Here is a great article from Industrial Fuels and Power Magazine, explaining fire and explosion risks in coal fired power plants, but relevant to all industrial processing plants with combustible dust. Topics include Understanding, Measuring and Reducing Risk. Utilizing Technology to help Mitigate. Understanding Layers of Protection. Successful Combustible Dust Risk Management. A good read... An explosive issue | Industrial Fuels and Power Geof Brazier and Mitch Rooker, members of the US-based NFPA committee on explosion venting and protection systems discuss coal dust explosion risks in power plants. In February 2009, a silo at a coal-fired power plant exploded, severely injuring six workers and resulting in US$300,000 in fines. This recent power plant explosion, located in the Midwest United States, serves as another dangerous reminder of the risks faced by power plants that handle combustible coal dust. Coal handling, processing and storage systems can produce...