
Showing posts from August, 2010

Book Review: Dust Explosions in the Process Industries, 3rd Edition

Fires and dust explosions are common and costly in many industries.  In this book Eckhoff has organized a comprehensive overview of his practical knowledge of the origin, development, prevention and mitigation of dust explosions, an up to date evaluation of testing methods, design measures and safe operating techniques. Included are the research and findings of many other scientists, creating a definitive reference guide for information on the causes, effects and alternatives available for dealing with this complex subject, providing an excellent resource on dust explosions. This book will serve as a foundational reference on the subject of dust explosions in the process industries.  Also provided is detailed information of all phases of the hazard and control of a dust explosion. An invaluable reference. -Jeff Nichols As a resource to our valuable clients and readers, we provide the book review below from our colleague PUJAN AGNIHOTRI. Mr. Agnihotri is an Associate Me...

Editorial | What to Do When Old Dust Collectors No Longer Comply With New Standards

As seen in Powder Bulk Solids, an excelent article by By Ed Ravert, United Air Specialists Editorial | What to Do When Old Dust Collectors No Longer Comply With New Standards Some Key Points: *Although seemingly cost-effective for a company to hold onto a dust collection system for so many years, this may also be a potentially hazardous decision when it involves combustible dusts. *Also noteworthy is the re-issue of the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion by Deflagration Venting. The completely revised Guideline is now a Standard that is enforceable by OSHA. *Combustible Dust: What Is It? *Options for Existing Equipment *Staying Safe If you are contemplating utilizing a used dust collector in a new application, I urge you to take a minute and click on the link above to read the rest of this article.

Inherent Safety = Lower Risks?

On his blog our friend Dr. Saraf asks: Inherent Safety = Lower Risks? He is speaking of chemical processes, but this thinking can be applied to other industries and processes. For example, on a dust collection system, considering where you locate the fan and what type fan used, whether to return the air back to the plant, etc., can lead to an inherently safer design. Recently a customer utilized a spark resistant fan on a wood dust closed loop relay system with light loading, thus reducing the need for additional spark detection and extinguishing systems in this particular design. The NFPA 664 Prescriptive design was to add Spark detection. By building the process safer, he was able to get his design approved by the local AHJ. The rest of Dr. Saraf's blog post: Chemical processes and designs are increasingly being evaluated for inherent safety - i.e. reduce the hazard rather than the risk. The philosophy behind inherent safety is ‘What You Don’t Have, Can’t Leak’ and so...

How To Conduct Effective Safety Training

Here is a slide show from Steve Wise, Sr. Mgr. Facilities at TTX Company, titled: " How to Conduct Effective Safety Training " He had posted on our LinkedIn Safety Training group page: Topics include: How to get people to buy in and get involved, Safety Communication, Safety and Passion, etc. "How To Conduct Effective Safety Training" - Keynote View more presentations from TTX Company .