
Showing posts from May, 2014

Industrial emergencies - be prepared - Industrial Fire Journal - Fire & Rescue - Hemming Group Ltd

Industrial emergencies - be prepared From Industrial Fire Journal - Fire & Rescue - Hemming Group Ltd and Industrial emergencies - be prepared Published:  28 May, 2014 Where does crisis management go wrong? Kees Kappetijn, an independent consultant in the field of emergency and crisis management, outlines the problem and the solution. Disasters do not start on Tuesday at 10.00 a.m. when the weather is sunny and all personnel and staff are available. Neither is fighting a crisis the primary goal for a business. And crisis management is not ‘regular management’ with some additional time stress factored in. Considering this, it is remarkable that many organisations (often with enormous business interests in terms of money, liability and brand name) do not focus on the link between emergency management leadership and the crisis management team. This connecting link is crucial for the development and impact of an incident. This link goes under...

Fire detection: challenges and solutions - Industrial Fire Journal - Fire & Rescue - Hemming Group Ltd

Industrial Fire detection: challenges and solutions From Industrial Fire Journal - Fire & Rescue - Hemming Group Ltd and Fire detection: challenges and solutions Published:  28 May, 2014 Fred Hildebrandt of Janus Fire Detection tackles the thorny subject of choosing the correct detection technology for protecting industrial facilities. Fire alarm control panels and accessories have improved dramatically in design, reliability, flexibility and price. The vast majority of systems supplied throughout the world are installed in the residential and commercial markets. Therefore, the panels and accessories are tailored to those markets, locations such as hospitals,schools, and office buildings. When systems are designed for the industrial market, numerous environmental challenges are encountered that are not present in residential or commercial markets . A brief discussion of those challenges and solutions follow. Enclosures Standard enclosure...

Reducing the Risk of Dust Explosions by Controlling Electrical Ignition Sources Webinar

Webinars/Online Events from our friends at Powder/Bulk Solids Webinars On-Demand:   - DryPro 2014 Webcast Series - Reducing the Risk of Dust Explosions by Controlling Electrical Ignition Sources - When: April 3, 2014 11 am (PDT)/ 2 pm EDT To attend this event or to find out more information, please visit this page . - This webinar is moderated by Powder & Bulk Solids Editor-in-Chief Kevin Cronin. - Justin Bishop, Ph.D., P.E., CFEI, managing engineer with Exponent Failure Analysis Associates will talk about how dust explosions are a potential hazard in bulk solid manufacturing and process facilities. Electrical ignition sources are routinely identified as a possible cause during dust explosion investigations. Attend this webinar to learn about: Selecting the correct electrical equipment for dusty environments, and why the installation of the equipment must be directed by the manufacturer. Applicable national codes and standards information you need for ...

Combustible Dust Basics: How to Collect a Sample and What Does a Go/No-Go Test Mean?

Combustible Dust Basics: How to Collect a Sample What Does a Go/No-Go Test Mean? Combustible Dust Basics: How to Collect a Sample and What Does a Go/No-Go Test Mean? May 01, 2014 We've been blogging and writing a lot recently on the basics of combustible dust. Makes sense; after all, what safety professionalknows exactly how much of their particular dust, in their particular facility, under a certain set of circumstances is OK? And if you don'tyet have a dust collection system, how do you know what you need? Evenif you have a collector, do you have the proper Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) to understand your dust’s potential for explosibility? Plant and facility safety professional customers often will call and say they think they need a dust test but do not know what the next stepis. They'll ask, "How do I collect a sample?" "What is a Go/No-Go test?" While we offer a list of testing services to determine the deflagration hazards...

The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America appoints Jamison Scott as new president

From   Congratulations to our friend Jamie Scott at Air Handling Systems on his appointment as president to the WMMA. The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America appoints Jamison Scott as new president Market: Wood processing / Machinery and Equipment 1 May, 14:57 May 02, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America (WMMA) appoints Jamison Scott as new president, as WMMA said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.  Jamison has presented several combustible dust seminars and regularly acts as a technical resource. He has authored several combustible dust articles for national and international trade publications including Air Pollution Control, Wood & Wood Products, CabinetMakerFDM, Wood Industry ( Canada ), Woodshop News, Chemical Engineering, and FDM Asia. Scott also serves on the Technical Advisory Board for Air Pollution Control, a technical trade publication, and chairs the Industrial...