Combustible Dust Vacuums Save Lives and Property -- Occupational Health & Safety
From Occupational Health & Safety Combustible Dust Vacuums Save Lives and Property Implementing a housekeeping routine to mitigate combustible dust minimizes explosion risk. By David Kennedy / May 01, 2015 According to a 2012 report by the NFPA, there were an estimated 8,600 structural fires reported to U.S. fire departments each year at industrial or manufacturing properties between 2006 and 2010. Dust, fiber, or lint (including sawdust) accounted for 12 percent of the items first ignited, just behind flammable or combustible liquids and gases, which topped the list at 13 percent. When fugitive dust is unchecked, these fires can quickly escalate into catastrophic secondary dust explosions, causing devastating injury, death, and property damage. Shocking cases like the Imperial Sugar dust explosion that injured 42 and killed 14 and the Kunshan Zhongrong Metal Products explosion in China last August that killed 146 people stand out most in the public eye, ...