
Showing posts from July, 2015

Introducing the NFPA 652 Combustible Dust Standard

From Powder/Bulk Solids NFPA Introduces NFPA 652 Combustible Dust Standard July 27, 2015 Every year, destructive and deadly dust-related fires and explosions affect a wide range of industries around the world. In the United States alone, 50 combustible dust accidents occurred between 2008 and 2012. To manage the dust-related fire, flash fire, and explosion hazards in industries that use dust collection and handling equipment, or have processes that may generate combustible dust, the  National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) introduces the first-time NFPA 652: Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust. This important new Standard serves a wide variety of industries including chemical, wood  processing, metals, and agricultural. In addition to providing new general requirements for managing combustible dust fire and explosion hazards, NFPA 652 directs users to NFPA's appropriate industry- or commodity-specific standards, such as NFPA 61: Prevent...

2015 Guide to Chemical Industry

From Powder/Bulk Solids ACC Publishes 2015 Guide to Chemical Industry The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has issued its 2015 edition of the Guide to the Business of Chemistry, a detailed economic profile of the chemistry industry and its contributions to the U.S. and world economies. American chemistry is the global leader in production, providing over fifteen percent of the world’s chemicals and representing 14 percent of all U.S. exports. It is also one of America’s largest manufacturing industries, an $801 billion enterprise providing 804,000 high-paying jobs. For every one chemistry industry job, 6.3 others are generated in other sectors of the economy, including construction, transportation, and agriculture, totaling nearly six million chemistry-dependent jobs. “The business of chemistry is the building block for everything around us,” said the publication’s lead author, ACC chief economist Kevin Swift. “Supporting nearly 25 percent of the U.S. GDP, the b...