Enclosureless Dust Collectors Risk and Requirements
From Fauske.com NFPA 652 Combustible Dust Hazard Risk and Requirements For Enclosureless Dust Collectors Posted by AnnMarie Fauske on Tue, May 24, 2016 @11:32 AM by Ronald L. Allen, MS, PE, CSP, Senior Consulting Engineer, Fauske & Associates, LLC Requirements, Risks and Incidents Associated With NFPA 652 Direction to Control Combustiblle Dust Hazards. Not all Enclosureless Dust Collectors (EDCs) are intended for combustible dust. NFPA 652 – 2016, Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust, defines an enclosureless dust collector (EDC) as, “An air-material separator (AMS) designed to separate the conveying air from the material being conveyed where the filter medium is not enclosed or in a container”. Commodity-specific NFPA standards offer more detailed definitions. EDCs may also be known as Positive Pressure Open Dust Collectors. Enclosureless dust collectors (EDCs) are commonly used in the woodworking...