
Showing posts from May, 2016

Enclosureless Dust Collectors Risk and Requirements

From NFPA 652 Combustible Dust Hazard Risk and Requirements For Enclosureless Dust Collectors Posted by AnnMarie Fauske on Tue, May 24, 2016 @11:32 AM by Ronald L. Allen, MS, PE, CSP, Senior Consulting Engineer, Fauske & Associates, LLC Requirements, Risks and Incidents Associated With NFPA 652 Direction to Control Combustiblle Dust Hazards. Not all Enclosureless Dust Collectors (EDCs) are intended for combustible dust. NFPA 652 – 2016, Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust, defines an enclosureless dust collector (EDC) as, “An air-material  separator (AMS) designed to separate the conveying air from the material being conveyed where the filter medium is not enclosed or in a  container”. Commodity-specific NFPA standards offer more detailed  definitions. EDCs may also be known as Positive Pressure Open Dust Collectors. Enclosureless dust collectors (EDCs) are commonly used in the  woodworking...