Archived Safety and Combustible Dust Webinars
For your viewing pleasure: Archived Webinars - DEKRA Insight
An excellent webinar on the new NFPA 652 Standard:
NFPA 652 - Dust Hazard Analysis
An excellent webinar on the new NFPA 652 Standard:
NFPA 652 - Dust Hazard Analysis
- Join DEKRA Insight’s David Kaelin for an insightful look into NFPA
652. This webinar will provide management and supervisors with the
insight necessary to complete a dust hazard analysis and identify those
areas within the equipment, operations, processes, and activities that
could lead to dust explosions.
View the webinar - presented by David Kaelin
Auditing: The Importance of Being Effective and Efficient with Your Audit Management
- This webinar discusses the impact effective audit management has on
safety functioning. We share practical tools and knowledge that you can
apply in your organization.
View the webinar
Requirements for a Robust Basis of Safety
- This webinar outlines the generic procedure to ensure that safety
measures are reliably specified and that adequate process safety data is
available on which the Basis of Safety is founded.
View the webinar - presented by Stephen Rowe
Top Ten Myths on Ignition Sources
- Situations in which ignition sources are inadequately controlled are
still frequently identified despite the introduction of European
regulations for explosive atmospheres This webinar focuses on the things
the plant personnel really need to know about ignition sources.
View the webinar - presented by John Butcher
The Prevention of Accidental Workplace Fires and Explosions
- Every day a fire or explosion breaks out in an industrial setting
somewhere in the world. The yearly cost to companies is in the billions,
and the risk of injury or even death is very real. In this webinar, we
explore the technical, management and leadership issues you need to know
to prevent an explosion or fire.
View the webinar - presented by Lisa Hutto
Safety Analytics: Turning Data Into Insight
- This webinar uncovers the attributes of a robust analytics approach
to safety, looks at common analytics methods and the information it can
uncover, and offers a prescription for improving the quality and
precision of safety decision-making and action.
View the US webinar - presented by Greg Robinson and Gennifer Lyon
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Jozef Creemers and Gennifer Lyon
View the AU webinar - presented by Ellen Downs and Gennifer Lyon
Best Practices to Making the Most Out of Your Incident Reporting System
- This webinar provides a discussion of why some incident investigation
processes succeed while others go astray. We share practical tools and
knowledge that you can apply in your organization.
View the US webinar - presented by Carey Bennett
Safety Leadership Essentials: From Assessment to Safety Roadmap
- Join DEKRA Insight’s Rob Sheers as he presents and discusses
strategies designed to successfully transition organizations from the
assessment stage of an initiative through implementation—so you get
where you want to be the first time, with as few setbacks as possible.
View the AU webinar - presented by Rob Sheers
Measuring Process Safety Performance
- If you want to improve reliability, profitability and safety, then
measuring process safety performance is for you. Whether you operate a
major hazards site or are sub-CoMAH, this webinar appraises the
different approaches in developing and selecting performance indicators
and gives recommendation on the most effective approach.
View the UK webinar - presented by Wahid Azizi
Applying Scenarios to Strengthen Safety Performance
- In this webinar we discuss how high performance companies are
applying scenario-based learning to strengthen situational decision
making, develop safety leadership, and sustain great results.
View the US webinar - presented by Jim Spigener
The Principles that Produce Effective Safety Data Management Systems
- In this webinar we discuss guiding principles for effective safety
data management systems and what they’ve learned from practical
View the US webinar - presented by Carey Bennett and Ron Demaray
Process Safety Competency: What, and how much, do you need to know – and how do you get it
- A topical challenge for industrial companies, especially those
involved in hazardous materials processing, is how to demonstrate
adequate competence in process safety across their organisation. This
granulates further into “what do you need to know, to what level, in
what position?” This webinar explores these challenges and provides
ideas on demystifying the process.
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Stephen Rowe
The Impact of Bias on Process Safety Outcomes
- In this webinar we explore how bias can cause employees to
underestimate risk or overestimate systems’ capabilities to control
Process Safety exposures.
View the US webinar - presented by Robert Gaither and Luis Sanchez
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Sebastian Blair and Stephen Rowe
Update from the Field: Key Elements for an Effective SIF Prevention Strategy
- This webinar discusses nine inter-related initiatives emerging as
central elements to any effective fatality prevention strategy. We
explore efforts to mitigate SIF precursors.
View the US webinar - presented by Don Martin
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Filip Coumans and Mariska Mulder
Improving Human Reliability in Safety: Brain-Centric Solutions
- In this webinar, Susan L Koen, PhD, discusses how new insights from
neuroscience are being applied to improve operational reliability in the
workplace. This webinar expands your understanding of the error
mechanisms in the human brain and the impact of fatigue on brain
View the US webinar - presented by Susan Koen
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Susan Koen
Assessment to Safety Roadmap – Getting It Right the First Time
- In this webinar we examine the ways organizations have successfully
transitioned from the assessment stage of an initiative to create a
realistic roadmap for safety improvement.
View the webinar - presented by James Grant
What Your Safety Data Should Be Telling You
- In this webinar we touch on all aspects of the data collection,
integration, analysis, and presentation processes that must come
together to yield valuable insight for leadership.
View the US webinar - presented by Don Groover and Mike Mangan
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Martin Dean and Mike Mangan
Behaviour-Based Safety for Performance Improvement
- In this webinar, we discuss the people side of safety and what
organisations can do to support the right behaviours all the time. We
present the critical success factors for performance improvement and
examine the key attributes of a mature safety process—one that is not
just seasoned but thriving.
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Adam Jones and Ruud Kist
Right People, Right Place: Getting and Growing Great Safety Talent
- In this webinar we discuss the challenges of getting and growing
world class safety talent, and suggest practices for leaders to build a
strong safety talent pool.
View the US webinar - presented by Erika Gwilt
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Marcelino Arias
How to Engage Employees in Addressing High-Potential Risks and Exposures
- In this webinar we introduce the SIF Interview and Observation
process and its components, helping your organization address
high-potential risks and exposures while maintaining momentum on
existing safety efforts.
View the US webinar - presented by Kathy Culig
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Ian Stewart and Jos Creemers
Can I Learn Transformational Leadership from the Military?
- In this webinar we present a few transformational leadership examples
used by the military and show you how to apply it to leadership
development in your own organization.
View the webinar
Developing Transformational Safety Leaders to Build Great Cultures
- Learn what transformational leadership really looks like and
specifically, which behaviours and actions leaders can model to develop
great safety cultures.
View the webinar - presented by Seb Blair and Adam Jones
Do No Harm: Handling Safety Incidents with Care, Skill, and Leadership
- Effective incident handling is a hallmark of top safety performers.
Yet, many leaders struggle to handle incidents in a way that promotes
the organisation’s highest safety goals. When an employee is hurt: What
do you say? What do you do—and in what order?
View the webinar - presented by Filip Coumans
Discipline and Punishment: Are They the Same Thing?
- In this webinar, safety experts outline the principles and practices
leaders can use to develop an effective disciplinary system and improve
organizational safety performance.
View the webinar - presented by Jim Spigener
Motivating for Safety: Critical Practices to Ensure Employees Stay Engaged
- Why aren’t people rallying around safety? In this webinar safety
experts tackle the issue of motivation, and suggest practices for
leaders to engage employees in safety improvement.
View the webinar - presented by Patrick McCorry, BST and Forrest Lauher, Western Refining
Talking About Exposure: Using Conversations to Enhance Safety Readiness
- In this webinar, we outline an approach to enhancing safety
performance using scenario-based learning. We will inspire you with
real-life examples of how focused conversations can enhance safety
readiness, and we will outline the key elements to help you get there.
View the US webinar - presented by Jim Spigener
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Filip Coumans
Breaking Clouded Judgments: The Role of Bias in Safety
- BST experts discuss bias and its impact in safety, and suggest
strategies for avoiding the errors cognitive biases can create in
reducing accidents in the workplace.
View the US webinar - presented by Mike Mangan
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Guy Boyd and Seb Blair
Why Don't People Follow the Rules? Compliance vs. Commitment
- BST experts discuss organizational safety and how creating a culture
of commitment helps reduce injuries in the workplace. Focusing on
building a robust culture is the first step to developing an environment
where people not only follow the rules, but live them.
View the US webinar - presented by Erika Gwilt
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Guy Boyd and Adam Jones
Improving Safety Program Execution – A Key to Excellent Performance
- Scott Stricoff, President, discusses program design and
implementation as the key components to successful program execution.
Developing safety programs and initiatives is only the first small step;
results come when an organization excels at safety program execution.
View the webinar - presented by Scott Stricoff
5 Steps for Removing Your SIF Exposure Blind Spot: How to Detect
Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) Potential in Your Organization
- BST experts introduce five steps to developing a measure of SIF
potential to help organizations bring visibility to SIF exposures and
eliminate a common safety “blind spot.”
View the US webinar - presented by Don Martin
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Filip Coumans and Stuart Johnson
Creating Engagement at the Frontline: Leveraging 5 Supervisor Safety Activities
- BST's safety experts introduce five supervisor safety activities that
when demonstrated consistently and effectively, improve employee
View US webinar - presented by Mike Mangan
View EMEA webinar - presented by Filip Coumans and Jos Creemers
Developing Great Safety Cultures in the Food and Beverage Industry
- Patrick McCorry, Vice President and Jim Spigener, Senior Vice
President discuss how organizations can develop and manage strong safety
cultures through the actions of their leaders.
View the webinar - presented by Patrick McCorry and Jim Spigener
Leveraging Culture to Improve Process Safety Management
- Greg Robinson, Vice President and Kathy Culig, Principal Consultant
explore how organizations can enhance their process safety management
systems through the actions of their leaders.
View the webinar - presented by Greg Robinson and Kathy Culig
Addressing the Safety Discipline Dilemma
- BST safety experts discuss the discipline dilemma in organizations
today; the impact discipline systems have on culture and performance;
and the most effective ways to achieve consistent conformance to rules
and procedures while building a strong safety culture.
View the US webinar – presented by Scott Stricoff
View the EMEA webinar – presented by Filip Coumans
Moments of Truth: The Five Critical Safety Activities Every Mining Supervisor Must Do Well
- Michael Hajaistron and Ellen Downs discuss key safety activities for
supervisors; how these activities are directly related to the leadership
practices that drive safety; and how organizations can use safety
leadership as a means to improve overall supervisor effectiveness.
View the webinar - presented by Michael Hajaistron and Ellen Downs
How Great Leaders Become Great Safety Leaders
- BST’s safety experts discuss how great leaders become great safety
leaders by identifying safety as a value, making the connection between
safety and an emotional commitment, and addressing how to effectively
communicate and act on that commitment.
View the US webinar - presented by Jim Spigener
View the EMEA webinar - presented by Guy Boyd and Martin Dean
Engaging Supervisors for Safety Excellence
- BST President Scott Stricoff discusses key safety activities for
supervisors; how these activities are directly related to the leadership
practices that drive safety; and how organizations can use safety
leadership as a means to improve overall supervisor effectiveness.
View the webinar - presented by Scott Stricoff
Incident Investigation: A Paradigm Shift
- BST Senior Vice President Don Groover discusses the limitations of
this current paradigm and the need to shift our thinking around incident
investigation. Learn why safety experts are now looking into the
identification of exposure potential and reliance on longitudinal
analysis to reduce injuries, and how this new model can benefit your
View the webinar - presented by Don Groover
How Leaders Should Deal with 5 Key Safety Issues Currently Affecting the Utility Industry
- BST Vice President Tim Hoover and Executive Consultant Curtis Davis
(retired senior executive from Duke, Allegheny, and First Energy)
discuss five key safety issues facing utilities executives today and
proactive ways leaders can personally and positively affect outcomes.
View the webinar - presented by Tim Hoover
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