Protect from Hidden Freeze Loss

From: FM Global


"When it comes to the freeze hazard, it's the stuff that we can't see that's often of most concern," says Katherine Klosowski, vice president and manager of natural hazards and structures at FM Global. The pipe behind the wall without adequate insulation. The sprinkler riser in the parking garage that stands unprotected where the water and air meet. Under winter conditions, these can become major freeze losses.

This winter brings added challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. First, many locations are operating with open windows to increase fresh air flow into buildings. Second, some locations have cut back on operations and the normal heat generated from production equipment is not there. 

“These conditions can increase the risk of a frozen sprinkler pipe or domestic water line, especially those near a window, vent opening, skylight, or in a cold stairwell,” explains Klosowski. “Water expands when it freezes and will crack pipes. Most people don’t realize they have a problem with a freeze until it warms up again, the ice thaws, and the leaks start. These are especially difficult to find and repair when behind a wall or above a ceiling.” 

Also at risk are locations that are protected by dry sprinklers. "The areas near the dry-pipe valve and air compressor need to be at least 40°F/3°C," she indicates. "This is especially important when the power is out or temperatures are below normal for more than a day."

Even geography plays a role in freeze loss. "It's common to think that only warm climate areas like orange groves are at risk of the freeze hazard," Klosowski says. "However, loss history shows that the hazard is just as prevalent in areas accustomed to cold weather. The extreme cold brought by polar vortexes has caused lots of freeze damage, especially when facilities are shut down for a weekend or holiday.

Klosowski summarizes, “A power outage from severe weather will result in a disruption. But if the building loses heat, the freeze can cause a much bigger disaster and a lot more headaches.”

Questions to ask:

  • Do you have potential freeze exposures?
  • If so, have you prepared to prevent freeze?
  • How can you best minimize potential damage and impact to operations?


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