Take Heed

Take heed. The CSB US Chemical Safety Board has finalized their report on the Imperial Sugar disaster, and concluded that the combustible dust explosions and consequential injuries and loss of life were preventable. While we do not necessarily believe all explosions are preventable, we do believe this report characterizes the sate of industry in this country. European countries have long implemented ATEX standards as law for preventing fires and explosions in process industry. In the United States, we have had current best engineering practices, NFPA and FM Global standards for preventing these type incidences for decades, but many in industry have ignored them, unless prompted by OSHA or their insurance company. This attitude gets people hurt. It opens your company up to lawsuits and affects your reputation in your community, industry, and with your customers. I have had many mangers tell me they have run their plants for years with no incidences of fires. Many times, I look around these plants and see evidence of combustible dust or other unsafe conditions. Just because you have never experienced a fire or explosion in your factory does NOT mean it cant happen to you. Understand that your processes aren't static. They change, the product mix changes, machinery and process performance changes over time. Small changes can create disastrous effects. Your plant may be an accident waiting to happen. Do not ignore warning signs. Smelling smoke, small fires, muffled booms are all warning signs of larger impending events. If you have combustible dust, it is just a matter of time. Take heed of the CSB report, and implement theses recommendations at your facility, before it is too late.

Imperial Sugar Refinery report: routine housekeeping might have prevented explosion

Workers Comp Insider -Imperial Sugar Refinery report: routine ...
By Julie Ferguson
A year and a half after the Imperial Sugar combustible dust explosion, the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) issued its final report on the explosion, which killed 14 workers and injured 36 others, leaving some with permanent, life-altering ...
Workers Comp Insider - http://www.workerscompinsider.com/
Report says Imperial Sugar could have prevented refinery explosion
MSN Money
“The CSB recommendations are excellent guidance for the control and management of combustible dust," Sheptor said. "Imperial accepts the CSB recommendations ...
See all stories on this topic

Imperial Sugar Tragedy: "Entirely Preventable" | CtW Connect
By Jason Lefkowitz
The culprit is what experts call “combustible dust” — tiny particles of certain materials (like sugar) that are thrown off in manufacturing and agricultural processes. Unless steps are taken to disperse the particles, they build up ...
CtW Connect - http://www.changetowin.org/connect/


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