New Dates for Seminars in the GreCon Academy

New Dates for Seminars in the GreCon Academy

From our friends at GreCon:

GreCon Press Release

New Dates for Seminars in the GreCon Academy

Alfeld/Hanover, Germany. GreCon in Alfeld, leading manufacturer of spark detection and extinguishment systems and measuring technology, offers an extensive range of seminars again this year. The focus of the GreCon Academy is again the transfer of know-how to increase system reliability and production efficiency and to reduce costs. Much importance is attached to the conveying of theoretical basics as well as to practical training directed at the system technology. Target groups are production staff, safety officers, system operators, maintenance and engineering staff.

The fire protection systems seminar gives an introduction to the rules and regulations as well as the engineering and peripheral equipment of spark extinguishing systems. The construction, the operation of the software and the components of the CC 700/CC5000/CC7000 series are treated as intensively as the detection and elimination of the causes of defects. Due to the high demand for spark extinguishing systems trainings, an additional trainer has been employed so that participants' needs can be dealt with even more individually and extensively.

The measuring systems training gives insights into the measuring principle, the construction and the process optimisation potentials of each measuring system. The control unit, the operation of the software as well as troubleshooting are dealt with in practical exercises. The work necessary to maintain the operational availability is explained and trained in detail.

The following dates for 2-day trainings in the first half-year 2012 are already fixed:
Fire protection:                       28. - 30.03.2012         09. - 11.05.2012
Measuring systems:                14. - 16.03.2012         06. - 08.06.2012

The training takes place on the GreCon premises in Alfeld or, if desired, also on the customer's premises. Individual training dates, differing from these dates, are also possible.

Since the middle of February, training by the GreCon Academy can be easily and comfortably booked on the GreCon website at



  1. Seminars like these helps on raising awareness on using alarm for fire prevention.

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