What is the min Pmax or Kst numbers for explosion venting?

 From Powder Bulk Solids:

"NFPA 654 requires that a risk analysis be performed to evaluate your risk. And the AHJ for your facility makes the determination, based on the risk analysis, of what level of protection is required per NFPA standards and other facts and circumstances."

What is the min Pmax or Kst numbers for explosion venting? @ Ask The Experts

Explosion Venting/Suppression Q&A

  What is the min Pmax or Kst numbers for explosion venting?

Answered July 9th, 2013 by Expert: Dr. Gerd Mayer
Anything over 0 Kst  technically requires protection against the potential for a combustible dust explosion, but Kst, Pmax, MIE all have to be looked at. Once your dust is tested, NFPA 654 requires that a risk analysis be performed to evaluate your risk. And the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” for your facility—could be your insurance company, fire marshal, building inspector, OSHA, your company itself—makes the determination, based on the risk analysis, of what level of protection is required per NFPA standards and other facts and circumstances.


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